मजकूराशीं उडकी मार

Kolvontam Ami Borie Sokoilim (Hatak Ghalun Kanknnam) - Dekhni

विकिपीडिया कडल्यान

“Let’s keep the Goan tradition and culture alive, worldwide”[बदल]

Kolvontam Ami Borie Sokoilim (Hatak Ghalun Kanknnam)[बदल]

We are dancing girls from Lower Borim (Wearing bangles on our hands)

Type: Deknni

Source: Lourdinho Barreto. Goemchem Git. Pustok

Musical form: Binary

Literary form: Ethnological aspects

Translated by Romano Abreu, Moira, Goa, June 2003

Kolvontam ami Borie sokoilim

We are dancing girls from lower Borim.

Borie vetanam ami

When we were going to Borim,

Marvank(u) sampoddllim.

We were caught by Marva [40].

Amguel jevonn(u) tup ani lonni

Our meal butter and cream.

Almusak khatai ami pan(u) supari.

We eat betel leaves and betel nuts for breakfast.

Hatak ghalun kanknnam, paink painzonnam

Wearing bangles in hands and anklets with bells on our legs,

Choi, choi, choi, choi, choiai rê tumi ami

You look, look, look, look at us,

Deknni nachtanam.

While we are dancing deknni dance.





  1. http://www.songs-from-goa.at/info14-music-with-staffnotation.html